I set up Full Proof way back in 2004, which seems a lifetime ago now. I was working full-time as an in-house proofreader for Yell having recently moved to Manchester, and my friend Dave kindly built me a website under the name Full Proof, a pun-based name that I’m still very proud of today!
It took several years to build Full Proof up, but eventually I was in a positition to start outsourcing work to other freelancers. I went limited in 2012 under the name Full Media Ltd and branched out into other areas such as children’s book publishing and, more recently, web design.
But the beating heart of my business is still very much proofreading, which I still love doing to this day and I’m sure I always will. I have acquired hundreds of positive reviews and testimonials over the past 18 years, and yet the novelty of receiving great feedback never wears off. It’s always heart-warming to be complemented on your hard work, especially when it’s made a real difference to someone’s life. And, seeing as I cut my teeth on academic proofreading when I first started out, it was particularly touching to receive this review last night on Trustpilot:

I particularly love this review because of the length of time I have worked for this customer. It’s nice to think that people are so happy with my service that they will come back to me throughout their academic career! I emailed the customer to thank her for the kind words, and she added this:
“You’ve also proofread for plenty of my social work students’ work actually. You have also helped some colleagues of mine. Not sure if they tell you but that’s what happens and sometimes when you offer a service you don’t know the impact you have on people.
I didn’t make it up, by the way. I nearly failed that dissertation and your intervention made a big difference.”
Wow. What more can I say? I love what I do and I intend to keep doing it for many years to come – and receiving a proofreading testimonial like this one makes me even happier in my career!
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