Proofreading marks – the mark of a proofreader

Proofreading marks – the mark of a proofreader

In these days of digital editing, Google docs and MS Word’s Track Changes, it’s easy to think that traditional proofreading marks (or proof correction symbols) – those hieroglyphics that indicate corrections to the final proofs of a text before it goes to print – are...
The difference between copy-editing and proofreading

The difference between copy-editing and proofreading

When a writer places the last full stop to their manuscript it may come after a long process and with great relief but, if the reader is to get the most from the work, it is always advisable to carry out a series of checks. Experienced authors often leave their...
Spellcheck won’t save you

Spellcheck won’t save you

There are two common responses when I tell people I’m a freelance proofreader and copy-editor: ‘Oh, I’d be good at that; I always notice spelling mistakes’ or ‘Can’t you just run spellcheck?’ While the latter is the most eye-roll inducing, both are based on a...
Proofreading tips: Four quick ways to proofread a document

Proofreading tips: Four quick ways to proofread a document

We’ve all experienced a deadline that’s crept up on us – whether for work, university or something more personal. It’s not ideal, but it happens! In these scenarios, it’s easy to think: “I don’t have time to proofread – I’ll just print/send it as it is.” However,...

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