by Nick Jones | Sep 14, 2023 | Articles
Are you a proofreader? Then you are in ilustrious company! We thought it would be fun to research some well-known figures from history who also happened to be proofreaders at some point in their lives. In this article we explore the lives and contributions of five...
by Nick Jones | Jun 20, 2023 | News
I set up Full Proof way back in 2004, which seems a lifetime ago now. I was working full-time as an in-house proofreader for Yell having recently moved to Manchester, and my friend Dave kindly built me a website under the name Full Proof, a pun-based name that I’m...
by Nick Jones | Jan 1, 2022 | Articles
If you’re a university student writing an essay, dissertation, thesis or journal paper, you may be advised by your supervisor to invest in a professional academic proofreading service. With over 17 years’ experience of proofreading academic documents, the Full Proof...
by Nick Jones | Sep 1, 2021 | Articles
Proofreading for businesses is our bread and butter at Full Proof, and this includes proofreading press releases, having forged close relationships with a number of PR agencies over the years. Proofreading press releases is a unique form of proofreading for a number...
by Nick Jones | Jun 10, 2021 | Articles
WordPress is one of the most user-friendly content management system (CMS) available and is by far the most popular method of designing a website these days. Gone are the days of having to rely on a web designer to update your blog or your web pages – now you can...
by Nick Jones | May 1, 2021 | Articles
PDF proofreading has become an increasingly popular service of ours over the years. Back in 2004 when I started Full Proof, it was mainly Word documents that customers emailed to me, but now it’s probably 40% Word docs and 40% PDFs (the remaining percentage being...
by Nick Jones | Sep 14, 2020 | News
The popular UK freelancer platform Bark have awarded Full Proof their Certificate of Excellence for the second consecutive year. Some very welcome news in what has been a tough year for everyone! According to Bark, the award aims to recognise the best professionals on...
by Nick Jones | Mar 23, 2020 | Articles
In a recent article we talked in detail about BSi proofeading marks and how they’re still used by many proofreaders and editors. While this is true, the majority of Full Proof’s customers are not familiar witih these symbols. Thankfully, Microsoft Word (and indeed...
by Nick Jones | Mar 5, 2020 | Articles
The world we live in, work in and play in could not exist without the network of laws that govern us. The building you are sitting in: building regulations and planning permission, rights of access, rights of ownership. The technology you are using: patents, licences,...
by Nick Jones | Jul 5, 2019 | Articles
Imagine this … it’s Sunday morning and you’ve just had a huge weekend breakfast. You’re basking in the gourmet delights of bacon, sausages, black pudding, beans … well you’ve got the picture, haven’t you? Still sated from your hearty blow-out breakfast, you head off...
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